Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Photo Scavenger Hunt, May 2011

I got there! It was quite a difficult list this month, but I was pleased to have completed them. There were two missed opportunities for snaps: I had a lovely picture set up outside the Doctor's Surgery, with a beautiful Lassie Dog tied to a bicycle, parked up and waiting patiently- it amused me slightly, but the owner returned, and he did not seem like the type of chap that I could ask a photographic favour from! Similarly- the emergency vehicle... Little Guy's nursery is pretty near a fire station, but I didn't manage to pluck up the courage to take a pic of them behind the consertina doors, even less so when they were being washed (yes- when I collect him on a Wednesday lunchtime the firemen are often to be found soapily scrubbing the engine. Dammit!) Maybe this is part of the exercise- building up your confidence to take the best shots! Here we go:

A Local (ish) Building: A complete post about my day here recently will follow shortly!

A Bicycle: well, two, stacked up in my garage:

A Butterfly: (albeit upside down) on my glasses.

A Cartoon Character: Have two- this was a close contender for 'vintage'! My Woofits duvet cover.

Portrait in Black and White: A cheat here, because none of my moving subjects were willing, and this little chap has been hanging about since Pickle Missy's Birthday Party (pin the bow on the Cat In The Hat).
A Red Door: Quite embarrasing to take, but I pretended I was waiting on a text message, and took a quick snap of somebody's front doors- a pair, that both say '14'. I thought they looked interesting.

Sign of the Zodiac: Inspiration hit me whilst looking for cheap alchocolic beverages. My fave tipple for this weather is cider.
(Ha! Upside down, I've just realised. How apt!)

Street Light:

Emergency Vehicle:

Something Blue: My larkspurs, which are doing beautifully!
Think 'Vintage':

Texture: I couldn't bring myself to crop these down to one flower. They're hugging :)


PS- I was sad that I couldn't manage last month's Hunt completely. I had some lovely photos put by, but didn't complete, and didn't want to post so late after all of the others. No matter- I mention this only because of my contender for 'an interesting shop name': I was going to try and aquire a photo, somehow, of a Newsagents my sister used to live near. Fags and Mags. Genius!


  1. Love these photo scavenger hunts, your larkspurs are an awesome colour! Not seen them before, must buy now.

  2. Those larkspurs are really beautiful. I'm chuckling away at the zodiac photo - I've never seen that brand of cider before!

  3. Your larkspurs are so so pretty. I hope you're able to get out in the garden and enjoy them. I love those old Ladybird books. I have mine in the loft somewhere to share with some little people sometime in the future. They are so sweet and so innocent. The Cat In The Hat is still beautiful - you were right to keep it on the wall! x

  4. I've never heard of Woofits, yet... I really really recognise them! Where from??? Argh it'll torment me! I'm thinking perhaps a childhood lightshade? Argh!!! Where do I know them from????

  5. Love the photo scavenger hunt.
    and you need to get one of the soapy firemen... for all our sakes! lol. x

  6. Oh wow, I had forgotten the woofits every existed!

    A lovely collection of photos! I'm glad June's list is a bit easier, the last few have been a challenge!

    I used to be fearful of taking lots of photographs and would miss out on good photos as a result. Now I just don't care and I photo anything and everything, regardless of who is watching! I don't know what changed, but it's much easier this way!

    Good luck for the next list :)

  7. What a vivid blue those larkspurs are!

    I don't mind asking permission to take photos; in fact I prefer it. Firstly because I don't like taking photos of people's possessions willy nilly in case they don't want them on the internet (not that my blog gets much coverage) and secondly once you've asked you can then take as many photos as you want! I've yet to have anyone refuse.

  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is a bit shy of taking some pictures - sometimes people look at me as if I'm nuts.
    I enjoyed your pictures - what a beautiful blue those larkspurs are.

  9. I had trouble with the red front door too. I stood just down the street for a while and then walked up, stopped, snapped and walked on without even checking the result.

  10. Beautiful photos, well done.

    I was a bit late with my May listh, I will do better for June.

